• Order/Pay/Cancel
    I cannot find the ''Cancel Order' button.
    In 'Preparing item' and 'Shipment completed,' order cancellation is not allowed because production is automatically followed.
  • Order/Pay/Cancel
    How can I cancel my order?
    Cancellation is available when the status is shown 'Payment completed.' If the status is shown 'Preparing item,' it is impossible to cancel your order because production is conducted automatically according to production process.

    1. Click 'Cancel order' in 'View details of order.'
    2. Choose or enter the reason for cancellation.
    3. Click 'OK.'
    ※ The status is changed to 'Preparing item' one hour after payment.
  • Order/Pay/Cancel
    After payment, is it possible to edit my payment method?
    If the status of payment is shown 'Payment completed,' editing payment method is not allowed.
    To edit your paymet method, cancel your order and re-order with the desired payment method. 
    ※ Payment cancellation is available within one hour after ordering.
  • Order/Pay/Cancel
    What if I am rejected when I pay with a credit card?'
    Please check general reasons for the refusal of payment with credit cards, including:

    1. wrong credit card information is provided when credit card numbers, password, expiration date and csv / cvv are entered,
    2. the maximum limit of your credit card exceeds or the use of credit card is suspended by your card company, and
    3. payment with credit cards is timed out
  • Order/Pay/Cancel
    What are available payment methods?
    Available payment methods include:
    - Global credit cards: VISA, MASTER, JCB Card
      ※ Payment with global credit cards is available only on PCs.
      ※ Payment by cash is not available for payment for foreign orders.
  • Order/Pay/Cancel
    What does Shopping Cart function?
    Shopping Cart has similar functions as offline shopping carts.
    You can add desired items to Shoppint Cart and pay many items at once. 
    You can also delete items from Shopping Cart. 
    You can check the total amount of payment for the items added to Shopping Cart.
    ※ In case of international shipping, it is impossible to check shipping fees because shipping fees depend on the country where items are ordered.